Chuck and the First Peoples' Kitchen



Tuesday, September 10

Chuck flies to the Yukon in the dead of winter. He heads to Fish Lake, where he meets with Alfred Lavallee, a member of the Champagne and Aishihik Band. Seventy-three-year-old Alfie knows this part of the Yukon like the back of his hand—whether he’s fishing, hunting or hosting cultural camp tours for the community’s youth.

Chuck and Alfie arrive at the lake and load their sleds with ice-fishing gear. Chuck takes out the shovel and drill, and makes a hole to lower the ice jigger, an ingenious net-fishing technique. With everything set up, they’ll just need to wait 48 hours and see if they get a bite.

This is the perfect opportunity for Chuck to discover Whitehorse and its gold-rush architecture. He meets Duran Henry, a sculptor and carver from the Kwanlin Dün Nation, at his studio.