Chuck and the First Peoples' Kitchen



Tuesday, April 4

Chuck experiences hunting muskox in Nunavik during the summer season. Accompanied by one of the community’s Elders, he follows a herd next to the water and cooks the prey the traditional way. The muskox was introduced into the territory in the 1970s and it thrived immediately. 
One hour in the canoe and they spot a herd of muskox near the shore. One child that tagged along for the hunt takes the gun and fires away. Once on the land he realizes the muskox is not dead yet and fires again. 
As they approach the beast Chuck realizes the size of it and how thick its fur is. They start to field dress the animal right on the spot to be able to carry it back to the community.
After this arduous task they are hungry so on their way home, they decide to take a break for a delicious muskox snack.